ESTA aplikacija za posjet Sjedinjenim Državama
Planirate li putovati u Sjedinjene Države zbog odmora, poslovnih ili zdravstvenih razloga?
Visa Waiver Program (VWP) omogućuje vlasnicima putovnica iz odabranih zemalja da posjete Sjedinjene Države podnošenjem zahtjeva za elektroničku vizu unaprijed. Svaka posjeta SAD-u u okviru Visa Waiver Programa može trajati do 90 dana bez napuštanja zemlje. Proces podnošenja zahtjeva za vizu dostupan je samo online, a naša web stranica pregledava i obrađuje e-vize za Sjedinjene Države za sve putnike koji ispunjavaju uvjete.
Putnici s putovnicama iz dolje navedenih zemalja mogu podnijeti zahtjev za e-vizu za SAD ako su ispunjeni svi kriteriji. Postupak ESTA prijave traje 10-15 minuta po osobi putem naše web stranice, a za prijavu je potrebno nekoliko putovnica i putnih podataka. Naš odjel za korisničku podršku dostupan je u bilo koje vrijeme kako bi vam pomogao s pitanjima ili nedoumicama u vezi s postupkom prijave. Obično pregledavamo i obrađujemo sve zahtjeve za e-vizu istog dana.
Provjerite popis zemalja u nastavku kako biste vidjeli ispunjavate li uvjete. Ako jeste, prijavite se putem naše online ESTA prijavnice i osigurajte svoju ESTA autorizaciju putovanja.
- Služba za korisnike 24/7
- Višejezična podrška
- Dostava e-pošte
- ESTA preuzimanje
- ESTA ažuriranja
- Potvrda e-pošte
- Putni savjet
- PCI kompatibilna web stranica
How long does an approved ESTA request last?
An approved ESTA application has a validity period of two years. Travelers can enter the United States up to two times during these two years and may stay up to 90 days. A B-2 Tourist visa or a standard US visa is required for travelers who plan to stay in the United States for more than 90 days. A Work Visa or Student Visa is required if the traveler intends to study or work in the country. Approving an ESTA application does not guarantee that the traveler will be allowed to enter the United States. It is up to the border control officers to decide whether or not the traveler can enter the country. They will verify the authenticity and reliability of the traveler’s information by checking documents and asking questions.
What is the ESTA requirement?
The ESTA requirements for travel are less than those required by a U.S. visa. The online process requires only a biometric passport, sufficient funds, and a credit card. Travelers need to be aware that tickets must be valid for at most six months from the date of their anticipated stay in the US. Authorities may deny authorization to enter the country if this is not possible. ESTA applicants do not need to submit additional documentation, such as flight and hotel reservations, or go through a face-to-face interview at a US Embassy. This is required for a traditional US Visa.
The ESTA visa eligibility testing
If my ESTA application has been approved, is it possible to travel to the United States?
Can I apply for ESTA to extend my stay in America?
What is the best way to travel to the US borders?
The VWP may allow you to be admitted if visiting Canada, Mexico or other nearby countries. The VWP will usually allow you to be readmitted to the United States within 90 days of arrival. The total length of your stay cannot exceed 90 days. This includes the short trip. For more information, visit the CBP website. The US does NOT require citizens from VWP countries* that they show proof of travel to another nation* upon entry.
What happens if I travel to Guam or the Northern Mariana Islands?
Brunei, Australia, and Japan can travel to Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands without a visa. They will have to fill out Form I-736 before traveling. Temporary admission to the Northern Mariana Islands is not required for Chinese citizens.
Zemlje koje sudjeluju u VWP - ESTA VISA USA
- Andorra
- Australija
- Austrija
- Belgija
- Brunej
- Čile
- Hrvatska
- Češka Republika
- Danska